Entry . . . Some I've taken seriously, some are just silly as I was unsure what to write. All entries are in reverse chronological order [ newest - oldest ]
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9.07.12 - FLEX
I enjoying flexing my brain muscles more than any other muscle on my tiny body.
It's rejuvenating & although I'm not as strong as I would like to be, I know I can hold my own in a conversation.
8.15.12 - WANT
Human beings can never decide what they want. Never can they easily distinguish between want and need. It takes effort to wake yourself up and realize when you want something for all the wrong reasons. What a great fault.
6.15.12 - MAYOR
Raising her hands in triumph, the new mayor was all but excited. With a secret agenda and all fans cheering, ready for the change they’ve been waiting for… little did they know what really was in store.
6.14.12 - UPDATE
You. You’re not special. You’re only a person.
A boy.
A silly, horrible, idiotic, taunting boy.
That number has been deleted.
Your spot in line erased.
Of course, you never really were in line.
It doesn’t count when you try to cut ahead and even in front of who matters most.
You couldn’t wait.
You should have left me alone.
I gave you no other options and that suddenly made me the monster.
I’m too strong now to mutter a sound in your direction, but if I could…
’screw you’
6.14.12 - UPDATE
Eyes wide open in the dark hours.
Thoughts running wild, yet all factors adhering my weak body to these sheets.
The morning comes and sleep finally falls.
I roll over and over peaking at the clock each hour.
I ask myself: ’Why should I get out of bed?’
I don’t honestly feel that anything better is awaiting me just outside my door and THAT is the sad part.
Only 19 years old.
Thinking there is no reason in the world to get out of bed each day.
As if the Earth has been keeping is glorious experiences and opportunities a secret for all these years.
6.14.12 - UPDATE
It’s always goes the same.
Confusion. Frustration. Absurdness.
Then, left or right? This or that? Now or later?
A rash decision is made to ease the pain in the quickest way possible.
Later a new problem arises and all steps are repeated… the old problem and ’solution’ now laying in the dust amongst other failed propositions.
’This is how it will be from now on’
It’s as if I am lying to myself each time.
6.14.12 - CATHEDRAL
Her blue eyes glistened as she stared at the stained glass window in the cathedral. Struck with pure amazement she took a step back for a better view and tripped right over a handsome 20-something man’s foot.
Architecture. The written word holds its own special architecture. The sound of the word rolling off the tongue just so… as if crafted that way
5.25.12 - LEADING
Leading to what it was always intended for. Nobody really sees it but me. How can I expect you to understand it when you haven’t known all along. Leading to it’s true purpose. Cumulating to its highest point.
3.29.12 - SPLASH
Some here. Some there. Blue, green, red, purple, even black! All over the blank canvas. Abstract as she wanted, Amanda took a step back at her creation. Three year old Jonathon walks over and yells “splash!” Exactly what she was thinking.
3.28.12 - CAPTURE
If I could capture this feeling and remove it from my heart… I would. If I could grab it, throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Set it on fire. Pray to never see or feel it again. How do I extract such a core emotion of this “era” ?
3.28.12 - UPDATE
Laying in bed staring at the ceiling of this box I live in. It hit me. This box is so tiny. Tiny like all the other boxes around it. And here I am. Empty. Laying on a messy bed, in a messy room. Outside the window there are so many other boxes with people inside. People like me. Empty people, or maybe happy people. Regardless of their state there is only one of them and one of me.
3.28.12 - CAPTURE
how much longer am I allowed to run away from my problems before they capture me? I’m cutting it so close. Each time the stakes get high or problems arise I sprint as fast as I can. Close my eyes and just sprint. What will help me stand in place next time?
3.28.12 - UPDATE
"So what we get drunk
So what we smoke weed
We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees”
Maybe I’m living young, wild, and free without my generations’ idea of fun. Is that allowed? Are my actions (or lack there of) socially acceptable? It’s even hard to know if I should even care or not.
3.28.12 - CAPTURE
Perhaps the most stereotypical thing she felt was lost. The photo showed it all. Her blank stare into the camera told a million stories. Her emotion had been captured perfectly. Her true emotion on her wedding day was something she had hoped to keep hidden.
3.27.12 - UPDATE
One hour.
One short little hour.
Only sixty minutes.
3.27.12 - UPDATE
One hell of a roller coaster it has all been.
Someday everything will just be a story.
Three are gone. Six are gained.
Love is lost. Love is saved.
Looking back I’ll just call it a thrill.
At the time I never thought I’d still be here.
3.27.12 - CATCHER
The young girl looked up to the setting sun. Knowing she had only minutes before all the excitement would begin, she stood up and walked over near the bushes. “Hello firefly” she whispered as it landed on her finger. She admired it and let it drop into her mason jar in the soft summer grass.
11.1.11 - UPDATE
I’ve recollected my thoughts
Re-examined my feelings
Rethought all my thoughts
Wished to re-do all my actions
But in the end all I want is to:
Rejoice in my life
Relive all the memories
And re-tell him how much I love him and care for him.
10.13.11 - COMPASSION
I try to write with compassion
But lately the words feel locked up inside of me.
My mind is pre-occupied with showing love and compassion to my loved one
I’ve lost my magic touch
10.08.11 - in 'Dear You...Love Me'
Dear You,
Why won’t you look at me the way you used to? Why can’t I feel it when you look in my eyes that I am your world? I’m afraid that you’ve switched universes because of the way I continue to act. I will win your feelings back. I will win for the look and sense that you love me unconditionally. Because right now its all I need.
Love, Me
10.08.11 - UPDATE
It used to be
When he looked at me
He couldn’t wipe that smile off his face
But from what I’ve done
Look what has come
That smile seems to have erased…He let me fall into the illusion that he was never really that mad. Only that sometimes I upset him, but in the end he would smile. Now, each time I raise my head the corners of his mouth do not raise along. The look in his eyes gives me the greatest fear in the pit of my stomach and I can’t erase that from my mind. What have I done to all that I once had?
10.08.11 - UPDATE
Putting away my worries and pains
Only for a moment
To enjoy these times again
10.08.11 - UPDATE
What’s mine is mine
What’s yours is yours.
Sometimes we share
Sometimes I hoard.
I’ve quit fighting this battle
I’m done pushing my cause
You can have what is mine
I’ve accepted my flaws
10.06.11 - UPDATE
The worst sort of stain has reappeared on my heart
In preparation to collect new marks
The salty rain begins to trickled down one cheek
Now knowing I’m still wrong, and accepting defeat
10.06.11 - UPDATE
How can I claim my efforts to be enough?
Each day the bar climbs higher again,
Making my goal that much harder to achieve.
Its a sad sight to my heart.
Two simple words that are meant to be meaningless
Even when I fear it was all done with knowledgable intent
In the end facing the truth is like a punch in the stomach
Giving me the similar need to vomit.
Instead I vomit feelings and can’t get away.
By this point it seems like I’m being too harsh
And now its time for him to show me that he knows the truth:
I am wrong
10.06.11 - in 'Favorite Words'
Serendipitous [ as in: 'How serendipitous!' ]
10.06.11 - in 'Dear You...Love Me'
Dear You,
The one. The one who wants to see, all that goes on inside of me. I want you to know of every feeling I experience. I want you to feel what I feel and see the world through my eyes for a night. Show me around this earth in a way that only you could. Sing to me all of your worries and fears, hopes and dreams, and the future you imagine yourself living. This is your invitation. Let me know you. Because you are the one. Can I be your one too?Love, Me
10.06.11 - SETTING
What setting am I putting myself into
Day after day
How does one chose:
Where to go and
Who to be with?
I’ve been placed here without my consent.
Time for a change
10.04.11 - MORALITY
oh boy, morality. I don’t want to wrap my brain around it. I hold on to all that I can of what I have. Everything I decide I first need to review my morals. Even when it may be hard.
10.02.11 - EDGE
its all on the edge of breaking down. he’s on the edge of giving up and I’m reaching the point where it may not break me anymore. Where is the edge where things begin to improve again
9.28.11 - in 'Dear You...Love Me'
Dear You,
I started all of this to help me confront you and deal with our situation at hand. This process has not helped me to find the words I need to explain my thoughts and feelings; rather it has helped me come to the realization that I have no words for you. I am speechless and all thoughts have left my mind leaving only my heart and soul to feel the pain that you threw at me. The last time we spoke I decided to let you have your space, but if you text or call I’m still not sure what I’ll do. What is the right thing to do? I’ll never know and I’m too scared to take a chance on all of this again. To take a chance on you again. Where is the reason that you are supposed to give me to take this leap of faith once more? It’s all logical to my brain, but my heart hurts too much to let me choose what my brain wants so badly to work out.Love, Me
9.28.11 - DENSE
My thoughts are dense right now with so many things scrambling around. These troubles are dense and hard to find a way through. His head is dense and I can’t get my feelings through to him. My heart is dense with pain and sorrow. My love was dense and now I don’t know the density anymore.
9.27.11 - PLAYGROUND
as a college student the world is my playground
these are my years to enjoy all the fun around
9.27.11 - PLAYGROUND
a child doesn’t need a playground
to enjoy the life around it
the earth, the sun, the air
are all the ingredients
for a perfect life
and fun
for a
9.27.11 - PLAYGROUND
life used to be a playground. this relationship was fun. the ups and downs. the ladders and slides. reaching new mark point but hardly swinging and swaying in our feelings. I want all of the fun to come back to the way it was.
9.27.11 - UPDATE
I’m in complete shock.
I’m attempting to be numb to this pain.
Numb like he has been for this whole year.
How could someone break one of their golden rules?
How could you love someone so much and break their heart?
If a year has gone by filled with tiny little lies, then it can be said that a year has been a lie.
The feelings, the closeness, every subject and thought have been lies.
What is left now.
Emptiness and frustration.
I’m unable to control and understand how to react to all of this.
Kayla - I could really feel the emotion there. You have a way of putting voice behind your words . . . that is something I can admire and envy.
9.26.11 - EVIDENCE
Where is the evidence that he is telling me the truth this time. I need a sign or proof that I won’t make myself a fool this time. That he truly loves me and will never do this again. That sort of evidence does not exist. How can I ever progress never knowing the way that things really are?
9.26.11 - EVIDENCE
9.26.11 - EVIDENCE
I am doing all of this in the hope of tearing down
The evidence that somebody like this
Could have ever existed
Nobody needs to know
I wish to not remember
Erase this evidence from my heart, mind, and soul.
9.26.11 - EVIDENCE
9.26.11 - EVIDENCE
The evidence that somebody like this
Could have ever existed
Nobody needs to know
I wish to not remember
Erase this evidence from my heart, mind, and soul.
Evidence to the crime scene. Rape, murder. War and Children. Its just a kiss away. I don’t have any evidence or reason to believe that he kissed her… I just feel it. I with I had evidence that he was lying so everything could be set right. I need evidence that this world isn’t cruel.
9.25.11 - PRESSED
I wish I could be pressed up against my boyfriend right now. With him holding me tight. I miss him. I love him. My worries go away when he presses his lips to mine and I press my head on his shoulder.
8.16.11 - REPEAT
and i keep hittin repeatpeatpeatpeat. Well history repeats itself but it is also boring so we are all doomed to be bored over and over and over again. This pattern of monotony will eventually be the end to life as we know it. When you start to see the signs that life as you know it is changing then you should change with it. That will too break the cycle.
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