God seems to be giving me all the things I have needed.
Friday morning, He gave me a chance to have lunch with my cousin which was a great way to catch up and just hang out together.
Friday afternoon, He gave me time to go see my best friend and we had a great talk, a nice cry and amazing plans for later that night.
That night, He gave me laughter, which hasn’t been common in me lately.
Even later that night, He gave me fear, which made me think twice about what I was doing.
Around that same time, He gave me a friend, who saved us from our fearful situation.
Today, He gave me a surprise, when my boyfriend showed up at my house, driving himself, and took me out to lunch and mini-golf before I go back to school.
During this date, He gave us another surprise, people, who we pretended not to notice anyways :) But it lead to my boyfriend showing me how much he has matured and that he doesn’t react to these things the way he used to… which is awesome.
At the end of the date, He gave me new eyes to see the changes that have been made throughout everything. And a few great ideas to add to The List.
Then, He gave my boyfriend no choice and he had to leave to go to Wilmington with his family, which gave me my last night in Raleigh to spend with my family alone.
At Church tonight, He gave me misbehaving children that led to my distraction and laughter and I did not shed a tear. The first time I’ve been to church in a while and did not cry.
Near the end of mass, He gave me a smile from an old friend that made me feel really happy.
After dinner, He gave my family patience because we need to try to stay calm when we’re losing the board game :)
Later tonight, He’s giving me a Skype with a good friend who always cheers me up.
And of course, in my life, He has given me wonderful family and friends.
Even though He has taken Gary away from us, it’s the little things that He gives me everyday that make it easier to live.
I love you Gary < 3
Found this post on my tumblr & decided to switch it over here.
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