
Identity Crisis


I have a long list of things to do to this blog before I'll feel satisfied enough to begin passing the link around to my friends & family. Unfortunately, classes are really baring down on me since the end of the semester is getting closer and closer. I wish I had at least an hour or two a day just to make small changes and begin making my blog look unique. My first frustration is the name. Life Through My Blue Eyes seems so common to me. Every spare chance I am thinking of something I can claim as my own. I know that the limits are endless, but I feel so helplessly limited.

I began writing this post before coming up with the new name "Chaque Belle Fleur" { French for each beautiful flower }. It was this very picture that I made {see above} that opened my mind to the possibilities of naming my blog in French. After all, French is my favorite the best language. I was also inspired by this picture of my adorable niece that I wanted to use for my favicon. 

Once I was satisfied with the name, I attempted altering my template, theme, etc. Ultimately I am proud & content with how much I was able to transform my blog. I have a lot of work I need to do before I will be truly happy. 

 { Before }


{ After }

Here's to blogging & perfectionism ★

How-to: Blogger Favicon

{ mine }

This post is a how-to on making your own favicon. The favicon is the really tiny icon that shows up on the internet tab, or when your page is added to the favorite bar. The image must be less than 100KB and square. Here are five easy steps to creating your own favicon:

You may need to double-click on the images to enlarge & clarify them.

Step One: Go to www.favicon.cc
Step Two: "Import Image" or draw
Step Three: Preview & Download
Step Four: Edit Blogger Layout
Step Five: Edit Favicon & Upload

~Note: Don't forget to save!~

Your very own favicon.
How does it look?

Friday's Letters

Dear Boyfriend, I hope we get a chance to talk tonight. We've both been so busy this week, but I have good news to share with you!
Dear Macbook & Internet, why are you so slow? I'm sending you to a support group. asap.
Dear Photoshop & Blogger, why are you being so cruel? Please start working for me soon?
Dear Easter Candy, today i will finish you. Say so long to ya peeps.
Dear Dorm Room, I'm saying this because I love you: you're a mess, you need to get yourself together before the semester ends.
Dear Brother,  I can't wait until you get out of school today & call me. I miss you so much!

 ★ Avec Amour, 




good behavior gets reward

bad behavior gets punishment

When I'm not studying my brains out { or hanging out with my friends }, I'm working at a pretty popular little girls' clothing store [approx. ages 8-14]. Not telling which store of course, but I really love the place & the girls that come through. Working at this store is fun for a few reasons: 1) It fulfills my OCD urge. My room will never be as tidy as I make the racks & panty table   2) I love helping the customers [young girls] pick out outfits & accessories!   3) The ladies I work with are super nice & I happen to secretly look up to a few of them   4) I get paid [notice how this is at the end of my list]

Today a tall, blonde, young-ish mother & her four year old daughter came in... the following conversation carried on throughout the entire store:
Little Girl: "Mommy, what's this"
Mother: "I don't know"
Little Girl: "Can I have it?"
Mother: "No London, put it back"
*picks up random object without looking*
Little Girl: "Can I have this?" 

It was adorable & disturbing all at the same time. By the time the pair made it to the cash register, London had gotten her way with quite a few things. TGFC { Thank God For Clearance }. I wondered if London had earned what her mother bought her, or if she was just spoiled. After all, they were shopping for a different daughter.

now here's me...

      Technically I am an only child and therefore can admit to being mildly spoiled as a child { arguably even now, depending on perspective }, but something my mother always stressed to me was that if you want something you have to work for it.

Supportive Anecdotes:

☆ My mom has always gone by the rule "good behavior gets reward & bad behavior gets punishment." Now, unfortunately, I only ever heard that line when I had misbehaved & she was saying "no" to something I desired. She hardly said it when I was actually being rewarded for doing something good, but that's not to say that my good deeds went unnoticed.

☆ Something to know about me: I am very stubborn { always have been in the past, but working on reducing the intensity for my future}. While learning to potty train I would become extremely enraged when I used the big girl potty and my mother replied with a "good girl." I would yell back:
 "I'm not doing it for you or because you said so. I'm doing it because I want to and I'm supposed to !" 
 Strange right? Well since verbal praising only brought out the little devil in me, my mom would reward me with a sticker for each success. I knew that I had to work for that sticker.

Yes, this story was about potty training with stickers & a little girl asking for candy & random toys...
but, it's these small examples that serve as lessons for this girl & I.

                   My Lesson                                     Her Lesson
             If I do what I'm told                       If I whine, beg & cry,
                  then I will be                              then I will be given
              properly rewarded                               what I want
               for my hard work                              for no reason

~Note: This is only based on what I saw & my assumptions & generalizations of other people deemed "spoiled." London may or may not have been spoiled, I'm not the judge~

I can only thank my mother for the lessons she has taught me {whether I realized they were lessons or not}. Thanks Mom 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
10 Things Learned on Thursday
{ at work }
1) Being exactly on time -- by the second-- is exciting ^o^
2) Sometimes you've got to do that one dirty job nobody wants
3) Try & have fun while doing that one job... it'll go by quicker!
4) Every detail counts! {candy @ the counter must be perfect}
5) Some children seem spoiled... and some really are!
6) Never eat food while shopping... esp round candy {poor employees}
7) Trash compactors are smelly
8) Pasta + Concrete = Slippery {& yucky on your shoes}
9) Panty arrangement within 1 hour of closing will result in failure
10) Elderly women are best at detecting a genuine smile or a fraud
Lesson{s} Learned.


Wednesday Want

exotic shorthair cat

Look at that face. Those big eyes, that squished in nose, and that furiously evil stare -> actually signs of a loving cat. The exotic shorthaired cat has the disposition of Persian cats and are extremely affectionate {Weetzie's Cat Emporium}. I'm really not even a fan of cats. I've had a cat named Belle for a long time now, but...

 {I mean look at her... ha...}

I'm semi-joking, I do love her, but once Miley came around she definitely became a little less attractive to me. Plus, she's not an exotic shorthair! Originally, upon finding a strip of photos of this cat taking a bath in a bucket {see below}, I was filled with joy & excitement. I immediately showed all of my friends & claimed that it was "the cutest cat that has ever existed." In response, my friend Mike says "except it's not real," and by the end of the discussion I had been convinced that my dream cat was potentially just a photoshopped stuffed animal. 

{something that cute & Gremlin-like couldn't be real, right?}

Well, thanks to Google {& my friend Alette}, I found out the cat does exist! As stated, it is an exotic shorthair. 

Soon after finding out the truth, but after rubbing it in Mike's face, I rushed to Anthony & explained that if he buys me this cat that I will love it & him forever... little does he know that I will love him regardless of my ownership of said cat. Still, I believe the statement could work in my favor. So much want 

~Note: If this cat existed, I would own it & love it forever as well~


Beagle Love

i miss my bagel

Beagle that is. I have an almost five year old Beagle & Miniature-Beagle mix named Miley. It's days like today & yesterday that make me wish I had her here to give me hugs&kisses. If I could sneak that little tub of lard into my dorm I would do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately it would be pointless because she would have to sleep on the floor {if I can barely get on my bed, then it is an impossible challenge for her stubby little legs} and she would howl at all the druggies outside & immediately give herself away. 

After having to put the family dog Abby down a few weeks ago, I've truly been wishing to be able to cherish these years with my pup. Abby has always been here for me. As a child she would listen to my secrets {literally} and lick my legs dry after stepping out of the shower. I hope she is having a wonderful time in heaven <3   I'm doubtful that when I graduate from college that my mother will allow me to take Miley away, and that'd be so wrong of me to do. Honestly, I'd love to kidnap purchase Diamond from my Aunt...
^ Bunny Bobby {aka BooBoo or Bobby}

 but frankly that is a joke to even pretend. {cue the laughter from Aunt Debbie} The most I can get from the little chihuahua is a few sleepovers where I attempt to get some good footage for Ultra-Miley episodes & she doesn't co-operate. Eventually the night ends with her annoying me in my sleep by curling up in the most awkward positions I've ever seen any dog attempt. 

I'll be home soon baby 


Perry's Assassination

oh there you are perry


This morning started out bad and I should have taken the signs to not go to class. The daily leaf blower was out again at eight o’clock in the morning. After hitting the snooze button twice and trying to sleep through the noise, I quickly popped my head out into the hall and listened if anyone was in the shower. Sure enough, it was running. After trials and errors of three people showering, I finally just stood at the door & jumped in the second I got a chance. It was a nice shower. A quick one though. I blow dried my hair, and by the time I was doing my make-up, at only 9:07, our neighbors were ready to walk to class and standing agitated in the hall. I took my good sweet time getting ready, I was not going to rush my morning for them. If they were in that much of a rush then they could have left me. I put my backpack on and still had multiple items to pickup in my room, but I took one step towards the door and they walked away. I quickly grabbed my breakfast, keys, phone and of course forgot my sunglasses. 

The walk was not very pleasant and I got to class too early. The upside was that the boy next to me told me a funny story about his Twitter, but I still should have never gotten out of bed. At 9:51, my life ended. I always keep my cell phone next to me on the desk on vibrate, but being in such a rush this morning I forgot to turn the sound off. SO, when an anonymous number* sent me a text message, Perry the Platypus blasted his chatter to the full room of approximately 105 people. Eighty percent of their heads turned around and all I did was stare back with wide guilty eyes. 

People giggled and looked confused. I should have turned around too and acted as if the noise had come from behind me. It would have worked, I was sitting at the very back. I was very cautious not to touch my phone and reveal myself to some who were still possibly clueless of the culprit. I needed to turn the sound off though so it wouldn’t happen again. Because it was very loud in this quiet quiet room. The teacher definitely heard and I was sure if she heard it again that she would say something. I slowly and casually reached for it, then frantically turned to volume down. I wanted to throw my phone in the trash and hide my face behind my sadly only thirteen inch mac. 

The worst part: I could barely hold back my laughs. All I could think of is how my roommate would react when I told her the story & laughed until I cried. I eventually realized that this situation was far too serious to laugh at right now and my face became as “normal” as I could make it.

*Text wasn't even important. It was a spam text about buying & selling mattresses :| LMK if you're interested! {sarcasm}

&that's the time Perry the Platypus embarrassed me to death 



push button for drama

This video makes me giggle! I would love to come across a button that spawns drama. {as if I don't have enough in my life already}

My life at this current moment in time could be turned into an award winning soap opera. Okay, maybe not award winning, but I'm sure I'd get a few views! I'm becoming overwhelmed and exhausted with the amount of drama that my first year of college has brought me. {not going to get into any of it because I would like this blog to stay positive like I am trying to do!} Thinking of the three years to come, I'm hoping that this year was just a transition year and brought the worst that college has in store for me. Looking at my calendar I see four little taunting weeks left until summer. Four. Two of those weeks are finals which means that I only have to go through each of my classes four more times. It's these four weeks that cause my emotions to run wild and bring about four unique emotions.

     I'm ecstatic because school will end, summer will be here, and I can go back to my family&friends&boyfriend,when he's on vacation, who I've missed so much.
     I'm depressed because my Air Force friends {Keenan, Mike, Jason} are all commissioning and going far far away places.
     I'm stressed due to all of the work that needs finishing, not to mention studying for finals will clearly consist of all nighters in the library.
     I'm hopeful that every bit of drama that exists right now will work out the way that it is meant to be.

I have no choice than to enjoy this time I have & push forward with my studies. Some day I will be wishing it all back 


Stellar Day

my little black&purple dress

Warm weather has brought the smooth legs, tan skin [coming soon] and sun dresses out of me! I love wearing dresses just about as much as I love painting my nails and shopping for shoes. What can I say, I’m a girl! 

Today I feel amazing. I think there are five key elements to this wonderful day. 
     One- the uncontrollable warm weather. I wish I could make everyday feel like today. Although, I suppose without the “shitty” cold days, days like today wouldn’t be so marvelous! 
     Two- a good nights’ sleep. I woke up today not being able to remember falling asleep or sleeping at all. I slept soundly in one position all night. I feel energetic, yet calm, and recharged. This well slept brain (and some early morning Pinteresting) mixed with my “carefree” attitude of the week just led my to a very productive and organized feeling afternoon. 
     Three- Hot shower, painted toes, and flowery dress. I just feel pretty today. I had all the time in the world to just take a nice relaxing and hot shower. I felt so clean afterwards. I re-painted my toe nails to my Coral Reef color, which I adore, and did my make-up all nice. With some nice complements from my boyfriend, I walked out the door with confidence and it hasn’t rubbed off me since! 
     Four- My friends! I ate lunch with Alette & Spurlock [us three and Ian will be the only one’s left next year!] at Cone today. We joked, laughed and had a great time. Sugar Glyder and BKTF played over the speakers while I ate my Bojangles’ chicken and I just got to reminisce the old times, while thinking and looking forward to the future.  
     Five- French. French class this morning was equisite. Each day I have that class it re-instills in me my love for the language and culture. If I didn’t break my flip flops at the beach over Spring Break I would totally be wearing My French Dress today. Bummer! 

So what was the result of my amazing mood? SMILES. Smiles everywhere from everyone. All my passers-by have looked up at me and smiled. Could every one just be reflecting the sunny weather as much as I am? Did they two just have gotten an exceptional night’s sleep? Surely they are not under the influence of all my three things (dress, nail polish, and hot shower) because I would definitely have noticed a boy in a dress! Or maybe they’re just enjoying the sight of my three things?? Because I’m very sure that there are many other beautiful women & girls around me when I walk to class that they could be smiling at. Of course my friends are four my pleasure only and they’re not known by all people on campus. And finally I known for damn sure that all these people, (except for possibly five of them) do not speak French or love it as much as I do. So what was it? Maybe all of these things combining inside me just made me glow with happiness and confidence, something you can just read on people faces. 

However it happened, I definitely want to replicate it!

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