
Ingrid Michaelson

"piggy bank on the floor"

Time to blog about the super-exciting & super-cute double-date to the Ingrid Michaelson concert! Spurlock&Katelyn and Me&Anthony ventured into a sea of people at a tiny bar in Charlotte. As expected, the majority of the crowd were women, what we didn't expect is that they were mostly lesbians. Must be the strong female figure attitude that Ingrid has and shows all the time. Anyway, we had a blast! I drove to pick up Anthony in the afternoon and we raced 2 and 1/2 hours back in the rain to get there on time! Here are some dinky little photos:

{me & aj}
{good thing I had him to lift me up}


{You & I}

Let's get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France
Let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance
Let's get rich and build a house on a mountain makin' everybody look like ants
From way up there,
You & I
     You & I 

{sorry, no pix of spur & kate :b }

Hilariously, Ingrid & her band went off stage after singing *we found love in a hopeless placeeee* which OBVIOUSLY isn't one of hers. We all looked confused [Anthony had fallen asleep standing up behind me anyway & didn't notice]. She did come back to sing 'You and I' [aka the reason I started listening to her] as well as that chain song.

Twas a wonderful night that ended in Anthony carrying my new converse while I walked barefoot to the car in the pouring rain... he yelled at me for being 'reckless' but I enjoyed every minute of the rain [and the defiance, hehe]

SO, p.s. :
{this is one of the next shows coming to the bar, lol}




[credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

      Yes, it is that time of the semester. Finals. These two weeks may actually lead to my extinction. I'm drowning in stress. Luckily, today I'm 4 finals down with only 2 remaining. I've taken my Physics Lab Final. I've had a semesters worth of reading, personal, and class journals, along with all of the information for my 4 writing assignments due this past Monday for English. All in the same day I had my Theatre exam. Today, at the crack of dawn [ actually 8 am ], I spent an agonizing few hours taking my Physics exam. Quite possibly one of the worst experiences of college thus far [ not like I've been in college long ]. All week I've been in and out of the library (and consciousness) studying for this mornings final. I've actually been so nervous & stressed for this exam that when I laid down for bed last night, my heart was racing. It still is. I'm not sure if it'll slow down until after school finishes!  

     I've had lots of help and support from my friends and family. So, thank you to everyone for being here for me when I needed you :) If only they could make all the worrying go away! I need to put those thoughts aside for now so that I have the energy to focus on studying for French and Astronomy. Astronomy sounds easy & fun right? That's what I thought when signing up for the class. Well, Astrology is the study of the constellations and fun things in the sky, whereas Astronomy is the study of all things in the universe :| Yeah, not so fun. Anyway, I think all students are under a great deal of stress and yet we're supposed to keep a smile on our faces? UGH... 

Nervously waiting for Final Grades. Wish me luck, I definitely need it ★

Five Must-Haves to Help Relieve Stress:

 Friends & Family
           -to support & love you
           -to distract you with something fun
           -to vent to (they will listen, just try to not do it too much)
           -it's a mind-numbingly fun activity
           -peaceful music can calm you down
           -hardcore music can release pent up energy & stress
           -to distract your mind
           -still being productive & engaging your mind
           -I personally de-stress by playing my guitar
           -sometimes all you need is a hot relaxing shower to do some 
            deep thinking about something other than your studies!
           -your body will need the rejuvenation 
           -dreams allow your mind to escape from
              your real life problems forever a night
           -make sure you're already a little de-stressed before laying down
             or else your brain will never shut off and you could be awake
             all night or even give yourself horribly-scary nightmares! :O

[ Note: I apologize for the sloppy writing and delay between posts. My brain is fried (see below) ]


Library Madness


Over this past week I have been experiencing so much frustration with Blogger. I have written and scheduled blogs for this entire past week and none of them have posted! Blogger wouldn't even let me edit them. I'll be surprised if this post actually publishes, but if it does, please know that I will try and fix this all soon and those posts will be up as soon as I can get them to cooperate. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to fiddle with it as classes have just ended for the semester and the dreaded finals week has arrived. Today I had a nice break from studying and was able to go to the ROTC cook-out with my friends for a few hours. Keenan's dad makes amazing things on the grill. I am currently in the library, back to studying and wishing I could still be at the detachment with everyone else :b Well, must get back to killing myself with physics! I have until 8 o'clock am on Saturday to study and re-do homework problems! Wish me luck and keep an eye out for my delayed posts ★
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