

I finally mustered up the courage to publish the "Mes Buts" page... 

Originally to be called the Bucket List, I realized it wasn't just a list of things I wanted to do before I die. I'm used to comparing my list to these über glorified & exciting bucket lists posted all over the internet. Although somewhat fearing judgement, if I'm going to post my goals up for the world to see, then I'm going to be completely honest about it. 

I found my list isn't just crazy risks or things that are once in a lifetime. They're things that some people may have already done in life, things I want to do before a certain season ends (and will most likely repeat every year), and simple tasks I feel I need to do to feel accomplished in life and become a better person. 

I want to go to bed every night feeling that I made progress towards something on my list.

It's a hard task to write everything you want to do in life. I had to practically tear my bedroom apart to find my notebook that I had used to keep track of it all. I took a bright blue pen to the paper, scribbled out all of the things that were no longer important to me, and began to type. I have no doubt that I will randomly think of things to add all the time and I surely will make posts when I cross something off the list.

Some things I have to work towards over time, others will be a one time thing or even luck. Basically, the page is a hodgepodge mess of my wishes, hopes, and dreams ☆

Post.Script. > 

I will gladly take suggestions on Books to Read (probably my shortest list since I don't read often) or things to do during one of the seasons!

Post.Post.Script. >

While going through my notebook... Start & keep up with a blog was on the list. I guess I'm in the midst of that goal :)

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