
Currently Crushing: Youtube Edition

I couldn't chose just ONE thing to rant about today...
 So, Currently Crushing is up again today,
with every Youtube video I've been obsessed with lately!

Oh surely you didn't expect me to get over these SAME things so quickly, did you?
I warn you, it's a long post... be ready for story-time
Go ahead, click on to see it all X )

I'll go ahead and start you off with this though:
The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction

Just skips over the awkward bits & you've got a 1D Animated Comedy
P.S. Bacon Tacos...

You are now entering my brain...
also, prepare to be sucked into the Youtube vortex starting....

Ed Sheeran

This 43 minute long live video of Ed Sheeran X)
Love hearing the bits of talking in between & slight variations of each tune.

Yes, I watched the entire thing... all the way through
But no need for you to do so, here are some highlights...

 Starts out with Give Me Love & has the audience sing along
I've been watching the music video for Give Me Love non-stop.
It's an interesting & beautiful video about cupid & love

 11:35: Introduces Drunk & talks about drinking age.
We learn that he's given up drinking completely!
{also that he packs too much underwear, LOL}

 16:30: Talks about Rupert Grint & Lego House.
He was 11 years old when the first Harry Potter movie came out!

 22:00: The beginning of a touching story & eventually the background story of A-Team
{it all makes sense now, especially about going outside & Angels}

 30:50: Jokes about becoming Mormon so he can marry all the women who want him!
{there IS hope for me after all}
Then continues to talk about getting a tattoo in Salt Lake City
& anti-authority Mormon kids getting tattoos ALL the time, lol

KISS ME like you wanna be loved... by Ed Sheeran

 32:29: He's a ranter & a story teller just like me!

He finishes with You Need Me, I Don't Need You, which he wrote when he was 15
One of his rap-y songs that he's able to perform live & still include all the effects
Ten minutes of pedal badassery!

He says he's still adding lyrics to this song today...
A friend sent me the music video for it, and it's all in sign language:

Best comment:
Now I know how to sign 'like I'm f@#&ing in an elevator'
{he sings this around 42:20 of the first video}

All of his songs have real stories & meanings behind them.
Just makes me fall more & more in love with him

Very happy that I stumbled across this video!

 P.S. Sorry, I can't predict how many more posts will involve Ed Sheeran obessions...
WHICH a commenter informed me that I am in fact a Sheerio!


Lately I've been thinking more & more about how people are just people.
I tend to be quick to judge...
but sometimes I really need to stop and remember that we're all human

Snooki, from Jersery Shore, has particularly been making me think about this
She's been standing up to 'bullies' on Twitter quite frequently.

I really don't even care for Snooki, but after reading @nsansevere's tweet I was angry.
I make sure never to wish misfortune on anyone...
Even the people in this world that I have every reason to, I've always been taught never to hate.

I wanted to tweet her something nasty in return about what a 'bad person' she is.
But two things stopped me:
1 ☆ When I got to her page, I saw every Snooki-lover was there defending her & calling names
2 ☆ I know how easy it is to say something like that, because you think it doesn't matter

I ended up only tweeting about the massive amount of nasty texts she was now receiving.
However rude she was, I don't think anyone deserves that.
Now all of those people saying "You're a bully" are bullies themselves
Every other tweet ending with "Go kill yourself"

The day after having a conversation about this, one of my friends sent me this video:

Everyone has been a victim of bullying at least once.
My examples may be minor compared to others...
Only strong memories I have are of being called a lesbian in middle school.
and only because an 'ex-friend' wanted revenge.

Whatever the reason, being nasty is wrong & it hurts.

Recently I went back on my timeline on Facebook & came across this old post:
Of course it could seem as if he's asking 'Why? What's wrong?' 
but this bully's intention was to say 'Why would I ever pray for you?'
Simply because of the person he was, thankfully he's matured since then...

Just because they're famous doesn't mean they're not people.
You don't have to like someone, but you have no right to be mean.
We have all been guilty of this at some point.

I encourage anyone reading to think twice about the way we treat others.

I know I'm trying to...

Jill Strif

One of my favorite people on Youtube is this prank caller
She makes video after video of calling random people out of the phone book
She'll say "Hey it's Me" and it's hilarious how many people fall for it!

Here she does a video asking people about the Justin Bieber Selena Gomez break-up
It really kicks up about half-way through...

Apparently the break-up involved Victoria's Secret Model Babara Palvin
Read about Selena's jealousy & see the photo she found of Justin hanging out with her here

That may not be the only jealousy though,
Selena's Wizards' co-star Gregg Sulkin
{who is a cutie by the way}
 allegedly sent her sexy photos
They're seen tweeting back and forth all the time
You can read more about that here

The second video is probably my favorite prank call session she's done
Calling random people & telling them she's pregnant
Then being extremely irrational about it.
I love when people KNOW it's a prank and STILL talk to her
It's priceless


My new favorite discovery on Youtube is ItsKingsleyBitch
First stumbling upon this:

I apologize for any inappropriateness & profanity.

I just find him freaking hilarious!
He makes me laugh every video, always brightens up my day.

He's totally right about Nicki Minaj & Josh Hutcherson though...

AVbyte's Musical's

Taking everyday situations & trends
and turning it into musicals!

I love jokes & musicals
They go together surprisingly well


Someone sent me this AWESOME Minecraft Gagnam Style...

You think I'd be sick of Gagnam Style parodies, but this is just too good not to love
Keep an eye out for batman!

This video led me from a Youtuber to another Youtube who animates!
The Crack is his series of animated eggs with awesome accents & voices!
A cute & funny seven part {so far} animation about an egg in the Minecraft world:

Totally waiting on the edge of my seat for more!


Scrubs stars Zach Braff & Donald Faison sing my favorite Christmas song:

A classic favorite for me & Jon:

What's one of my posts without blabbing about Cimorelli?
A fan stop motion of their original song Wings
Yes, that beautiful singing at the beginning is Amy...

Who also has a beautiful voice in their Justin Bieber cover:

Opinions can change quickly I guess!
AND I'm so ready for Christmas :D

Meanwhile in Scotty's world...

"This holds tea"

Thanks for sticking around for the entire post!
Comment anything about anything... except for spam
Spam can die

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