

good behavior gets reward

bad behavior gets punishment

When I'm not studying my brains out { or hanging out with my friends }, I'm working at a pretty popular little girls' clothing store [approx. ages 8-14]. Not telling which store of course, but I really love the place & the girls that come through. Working at this store is fun for a few reasons: 1) It fulfills my OCD urge. My room will never be as tidy as I make the racks & panty table   2) I love helping the customers [young girls] pick out outfits & accessories!   3) The ladies I work with are super nice & I happen to secretly look up to a few of them   4) I get paid [notice how this is at the end of my list]

Today a tall, blonde, young-ish mother & her four year old daughter came in... the following conversation carried on throughout the entire store:
Little Girl: "Mommy, what's this"
Mother: "I don't know"
Little Girl: "Can I have it?"
Mother: "No London, put it back"
*picks up random object without looking*
Little Girl: "Can I have this?" 

It was adorable & disturbing all at the same time. By the time the pair made it to the cash register, London had gotten her way with quite a few things. TGFC { Thank God For Clearance }. I wondered if London had earned what her mother bought her, or if she was just spoiled. After all, they were shopping for a different daughter.

now here's me...

      Technically I am an only child and therefore can admit to being mildly spoiled as a child { arguably even now, depending on perspective }, but something my mother always stressed to me was that if you want something you have to work for it.

Supportive Anecdotes:

☆ My mom has always gone by the rule "good behavior gets reward & bad behavior gets punishment." Now, unfortunately, I only ever heard that line when I had misbehaved & she was saying "no" to something I desired. She hardly said it when I was actually being rewarded for doing something good, but that's not to say that my good deeds went unnoticed.

☆ Something to know about me: I am very stubborn { always have been in the past, but working on reducing the intensity for my future}. While learning to potty train I would become extremely enraged when I used the big girl potty and my mother replied with a "good girl." I would yell back:
 "I'm not doing it for you or because you said so. I'm doing it because I want to and I'm supposed to !" 
 Strange right? Well since verbal praising only brought out the little devil in me, my mom would reward me with a sticker for each success. I knew that I had to work for that sticker.

Yes, this story was about potty training with stickers & a little girl asking for candy & random toys...
but, it's these small examples that serve as lessons for this girl & I.

                   My Lesson                                     Her Lesson
             If I do what I'm told                       If I whine, beg & cry,
                  then I will be                              then I will be given
              properly rewarded                               what I want
               for my hard work                              for no reason

~Note: This is only based on what I saw & my assumptions & generalizations of other people deemed "spoiled." London may or may not have been spoiled, I'm not the judge~

I can only thank my mother for the lessons she has taught me {whether I realized they were lessons or not}. Thanks Mom 

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10 Things Learned on Thursday
{ at work }
1) Being exactly on time -- by the second-- is exciting ^o^
2) Sometimes you've got to do that one dirty job nobody wants
3) Try & have fun while doing that one job... it'll go by quicker!
4) Every detail counts! {candy @ the counter must be perfect}
5) Some children seem spoiled... and some really are!
6) Never eat food while shopping... esp round candy {poor employees}
7) Trash compactors are smelly
8) Pasta + Concrete = Slippery {& yucky on your shoes}
9) Panty arrangement within 1 hour of closing will result in failure
10) Elderly women are best at detecting a genuine smile or a fraud
Lesson{s} Learned.

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